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Измамница и плагиат ли е била Елена Блаватска?


Измамница и плагиат ли е била Елена Блаватска?

Върху теориите й стъпват руският космизъм, нацизма и Ню Ейдж организации


Улеснения и привилегии за регистрирани потребители:

  • не си измислят и пишат прякори всеки път;
  • не въвеждат досадните символи от картинката за сигурност.

А авторът на тази статия или преводачът на текста дали е чел нещо от Елена Блаватска?

Основателят на световно известното днес и ползващо се с авторитет антопософско движение Рудолф Щайнер оценява високо заслугите на Блаватска за изнасянето на важни информации за духовния свят.

Повече измама и скалъпени факти има във тази псевдо статия отколкото в биографията на Блаватска . По добре четете на английски всичко за нея . Примерно : Тя е аристокрацията в Руската империя , не просто аристокрация - внучка на принцеса , част от изключително уважаван и образован род , Дългоръките . В списъка на роднините са министри , генерали , губернатори , политици и управители на области , първия братовчед на Елена Блаватска е финансов министър и много известен политик . Отгледана и обучена е в имението на баба си и след смъртта на майка си . И частни учители , изкуство , пиано , френски , английски , немски , баща й е наполовина германец и е висш военен на служба в имперската войска . Постоянно са се местили, заради армейските му ангажименти . Запознава се с тибетския будизъм и дори учи малко тибетски език когато бащата е разквартируван в в Астрахан . Баба й е изключително добре образована , говори пет езика и има големи знания в много научни области. Майка й е писател с 12 книги , говори три езика , превежда книги от английски на руски , Средите на руската аристокрация тогава са много добре образовани, постоянно пътуващи и познаващи всички известни личности за времето си . На десет малката Блаватска може да свири на пиано , говори пет езика , язди , чете от огромните библиотеки на баба си и на прадядо си който също е принц със интерес към окултните науки , космогония , древни религии , история . Баба й изключително държи на високото образование . За аристокрацията по него време е съвсем нормално да обикалят из Европа , до Лондон ,Париж или САЩ , Тя е имала изключително добра памет за езици и факти , познавала е етикета , и тн. Оженили са я на 18 за 40 годишен губернатор . Избягала е от него . Оттам тръгва да обикаля света но не прекъсва връзката с баба си , на която пише писма и с баща си ... Все пак те и пращат пари за разходите . Заминава за Америка едва след смъртта на баба си . Сестра й също е писател . Семейство е в масонската ложа и естествено Константинопол е центъра на масонството в региона . Връзките и контактите им доста улеснява приключенията й. И т.н.

Баба й ... Princess Helene Dolgoruki Language Download PDF Watch Edit Helene Dolgoruki, more correctly Elena Pavlovna Dolgorukaya (Russian: Елена Павловна Долгорукая), married name Fadeeva (Russian: Фадеева) (1789-1860), was a Russian noblewoman who was the grandmother of both Sergei Witte and Madame Blavatsky. Birth and Marriage Edit Helene was the daughter of Prince Paul Vassilyevich Dolgorukov (1755 - 1837) and Henrietta Adolfovna de Bandre du Plessis (d. 1812). In 1813 she married Andrei Mikhailovich Fadeyev (1789-1867) and the family resided near the village of Rzhishchevo, in the Province of Kiev, where the estate of the Dolgorukovs was located. Short life of her eldest Edit Helene's eldest daughter Helena Fadeyev married in 1830 the Russian nobleman Peter von Hahn, then a Captain of Horse Artillery in the Russian Army, who was more than twice her age. Soon after the wedding, the Captain received orders to join his regiment for service in the notably ruthless campaign to put down the Polish insurrection of 1831. The girl-wife returned to her parents in Ekaterinoslav (now Dnipropetrovsk), in Ukraine, and it was there that Helena was born, prematurely, on the night of August 12, 1831 (July 30, on the Julian calendar). A short time later, the two Helenas rejoined Peter and the family apparently travelled from one Army camp to another as he was reassigned. Three more children were to follow, one of which died as a baby. And in 1842 Helena Fadeyev herself died. The grandchildren arrive Edit Shortly, after her daughter's death, in 1842 Peter sent the children, to live with her parents, who were residing at Saratov, where Andrei had been appointed Civil Governor. Saratov was, a semi-Asiatic city on the Volga, two hundred miles north of Volgograd. "The Governor's palace was a rambling eighteenth-century castle, honeycombed with underground passages." (G. Williams) Helene Dolgoruki supervised, not only the education of her two granddaughters by her deceased daughter Helena, but also that of her grandson Count Sergei Witte who "learned his letters at her knee." The Witte family lived with the Fadeyev's during this time period. Count Witte's memoirs paint a glowing picture of his grandmother. Her work Edit Helene Dolgoruki spoke five languages, painted, and knew a great deal about science for her day. She corresponded with distinguished men in many fields; Sir Roderick Murchison, an English geologist and founder of the Royal Geographical Society named a fossil shell for her, the Venus Fadeef. Her greatest passion was botany. She devoted an entire wing of her palace to an important collected of Caucasian flora, each labelled with Latin names and scientific descriptions. These are well-remembered by all three of her grandchildren who each left us descriptions in their writings. Move to Tiflis Edit Sometime around 1843-1847 General Fadeyev was appointed Imperial Councillor to the Viceroy of the Caucasus (perhaps First Viceroy Count (later Prince) Mikhail Vorontsov although Blavatsky says "Woronzoff"), and the family moved from Saratov to an even more imposing castle at Tiflis. It has been reported that a constant visitor at this time was Prince Alexander Golitsyn (cousin of the wife of the Viceroy), who is said to have been paying court to the granddaughter Helena. Last Years Edit A frequent visitor to the family at Tiflis, General P S Nikolayeff has left a description of the palatial splendor, in which they lived. The mansion had previously been the home of Prince Chavchavadze. Blavatsky stayed with her again in the last year of her grandmother's life. Helene died in August 1860. Andrei outlived her by a few years. Descendants Edit Children of Helene Dolgoruki and Andrei Fadeyev: Helena Fadeyev, (1814–42), noted author of 12 books,7 of which were published in her lifetime, and the rest except 1 after. (writing as Zenaida R.) and wife (in 1830) of Peter Hahn, parents of Blavatsky. Her books included: The Ideal, Utballa, Jelalu'd-din, Theophania Abbiadjio, Medallion, Lubonka, A Box at the Odessa Opera, The World's Judgment, and a Fruitless Gift. She is the subject of a biographical sketch by Catherine Nekrasova in the magazine Russian Days of Yore, and also one by Bobritsky. Both of her surviving children also became authors, Helena Blavatsky most famously as the founder of the Theosophical Society in 1875, and her sister Vera Zelihovsky as a writer of children's stories. Catherine Fadeyev, wife of Julius Witte (also known as Yuli) and parents of Sergei Witte, Finance Minister of Russia (1892-1902) ; Prime Minister of Russia (1902-1906) General Rostislav Andreyevich de Fadeyev, (1824-1884 unmarried), Joint Secretary-of-State at the Ministry of the Interior Nadya Fadeyev (1829-1919 unmarried) and member of the Council of the Theosophical Society

Очевидно доста образовани и изключително влиятелни хора . Блаватска е имала невероятен ум , всички жени в семейството са били такива . За тези които смятат че е лесно да запомниш хиляди книги почти наизуст и когато пишеш да цитираш по памет всички тях във 2000 страници труд ( едната от книгите й ) ... Да се пробва сам . Книгите които е прочела са десетки хиляди сигурно . Авторката на статията е изключително некомпетентна и излага себе си .. The founder of the Dolgorukov branch of the Obolenskiy is Prince Ivan Andreevich Oblenskiy (15th century), who for his vengefulness was given the nickname of Долгорукий Dolgorukiy, i.e. "far-reaching". Obolensk was incorporated into the expanding Grand Duchy of Moscow in 1494, and the house of Dolgorukov became a powerful noble family in Tsardom of Russia and the Russian Empire. List of members Edit Among its members were: Maria Dolgorukaya (d. 1580), a wife of Ivan IV Grigorij Ivanovich Menshoi Tchyort ("the Devil") Dolgorukov (Князь Григорий Иванович Меньшой Чёрт Долгоруков), died after 1598, governor under Ivan the Terrible. Aleksey Grigorevich Tshertyonok ("Little Devil") Dolgorukov (Князь Алексей Григорьевич Чертёнок Долгоруков), died 1646. Maria Vladimirovna Dolgoroukov (d. 1625), first wife of Michael I Yuri Alexeyevich Dolgorukov [ru] (near 1610–1682), military leader known for victories during the Russo-Polish war, boyar (1648). Killed during the Moscow uprising of 1682. Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgorukov [ru] (1664–1707), Russian colonel, killed at the start of Bulavin Rebellion Vasily Vladimirovich Dolgorukov (1667–1746), Russian Field Marshal Vasily Lukich Dolgoroukov (1672–1739), Russian diplomat and minister Vladimir Petrovich Dolgorukov (1696–1761), Russian General Governor of Livonia and Estonia Ekaterina Alekseyevna Dolgorukova (1712–1747), betrothed wife of Peter II Vasily Mikhailovich Dolgorukov-Krymsky (1722–1782), Russian general and governor of Moscow Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgorukov (1740–1830), Russian general-in-chief, author of valuable memoirs Mikhail Petrovich Dolgorukov (1780–1808), Russian colonel Helene Pavlovna Dolgoroukov (1790–1860), grandmother of Helena Blavatsky and Sergei Witte Dimitri Ivanovich Dolgorukov (1797–1867), career diplomat Vasily Andreyevich Dolgoroukov (1804–1868), Russian minister of war Pyotr Vladimirovich Dolgorukov (1816–1868), Russian nobleman and historian Helena Blavatsky (1831–1891), occultist, spirit medium and author who co-founded the Theosophical Society Vladimir Andreyevich Dolgorukov [ru] governor-general (mayor) of Moscow from 1865 to 1891 Catherine Dolgorukov (1847–1922), morganatic wife of Alexander II Pavel Dolgoroukov (1866–1927), prominent liberal politician prior to 1917 Pyotr Dmitriyevich Dolgorukov (1866–1951), Russian liberal politician Vasily Alexandrovich Dolgorukov (1868–1918), Court Marshal to Nicholas II
